Anyone tried to get an original Philips DIT9719

Started by Nick_28, 09. Jan 2009, 22:08

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Anyone tried to get an original Philips DIT9719 to dump it and use the firm and HDD files into BT? Could it be resonable to try?


Not sure exactly what you are asking... I think you mean is it possible to clone a box?

It technically may be possible.. but I doubt the servers would allow two boxes with the same ID / Certificate to logon at the same time.



assuming you mean the non bt branded philips box - no it was never publically released. It appears on their website but no details / firmwares and a call to their product support resulted in a confused woman on minimum wage and i was eventually told 'speak to your service provider'.
The website says a MS based iptv system so its safe to assume they had a generic setup before BT did their best to break it

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