Differences between VIP 1225 and VIP 1216

Started by HW_warrior, 10. Oct 2009, 19:53

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I'm new to this forum and just had my Uverse DVR box replaced.  (Was having recorded programs inexplicably disappear from the DVR after having the box 2 years w/o this problem.)

The old box was a VIP 1216, and it has been replaced with the VIP 1225.  The tech told me that the new box has a larger HDD, but I'm not yet sure what (if any) else is different.

The loss of recorded programs has prompted me to begin researching ways to somehow transfer shows off of the DVR and onto a PC for archiving (either as MPG or some other file format, or onto DVDs), since I don't want to rely solely on the DVR and lose more programs.  This would also be helpful in keeping space available on the DVR.

I have no interest in illegally manipulating or distributing the recorded content, only in being able to transfer the content for *my own use*.

I'm interested in a couple of things:

1) Anybody know what specifically is different between the VIP 1216 and the VIP 1225, including features, capabilities, hardware, and software?

2) Anybody found a way to accomplish what I've described above?

I have 8 years of hardware electronics design experience and some software/IP knowledge.  Looking forward to poking around on the forum and also hearing what others have learned, as well as offering my two cents.
Warning - I have a soldering iron and I know how to use it!


for 2nd question:
archiving of recorded shows in a useful format is at least very difficult due to the encryption (nobody has succeeded with that yet)
if you only want to view the shows with the VIP boxes then it should be no problem to make a backup of the complete harddisk and restore it when needed....

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