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Topics - stane1983

Hi folks!

Now, I have problem with Telsey's STB FS6 (smp8634 based). Problem is that I downloaded one big file to his permanent memory and can't erase it. Consequences are that I can access web administration console, but can't apply any changes to it.

I tried to 'reinstall' firmware, but installing it didn't erease user memory. I contacted Telsey support about it, but it takes awhile to response so I decided to ask you guys...

I don't have telnet access (don't know user/password), so can not access stb via shell.

My idea was to start stb with network boot and to manually delete file from memory. Problem is that I don't have any recovery image which will enable ethernet interface and start ssh or telnet service. JTAG is not an option.

Do you guys have any idea what to do? :)